#1014 - 2003 Toyota 4Runner Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV), VIN # JTEZT17RX30008910
Year: 2003
Make: Toyota
Model: 4Runner
Vehicle Type: Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV)
Mileage: 182'149
Body Type: 4 Door Wagon
Trim Level: Limited
Drive Line: RWD
Engine Type: V8, 4.7L
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Horsepower: 235HP
Transmission: Automatic
VIN #: JTEZT17RX30008910
Features and Notes: It has a 4.7 liter V-8 with an automatic transmission, full power heated leather interior, tow hitch, new battery, Texas and Oklahoma vehicle that has only seen winter 3 times, It does have a cracked windshield and will need brakes before long. Clean SUV
high bid $5,000