#715 - * 1985 Ford LT9000 Truck, VIN # 1FDYU90J3FVA25373
Year: 1985
Make: Ford
Model: LT9000
Vehicle Type: Truck
Mileage: 422'899
Body Type:
Trim Level:
Drive Line:
Engine Type: L6, 7.0L (426 CID)
Fuel Type: Diesel
Horsepower: 185-275HP
Transmission: 13-speed Manual
VIN #: 1FDYU90J3FVA25373
Features and Notes: It has a 6-cylinder Detroit Diesel engine with a 13-speed manual transmission, tri-axle, tires are 25-75%, has good brakes, pintle hitch, 15' long dump box, new air compressor, air dryer, and lines, new rear suspension pins and bushings. runs and drives as it should.
high bid $6,250