#933 - 1999 International 9900 Truck, VIN # 2HSFTAERXXC042927
Year: 1999
Make: International
Model: 9900
Vehicle Type: Truck
Mileage:130'514 (NOT ACTUAL)
Body Type:
Trim Level:
Drive Line: 6x4
Engine Type: L6, 14.0L (855 CID)
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: 13-SPEED
Features and Notes: It has a Cummins N14 engine and a Eaton-Fuller 13-speed transmission, Pro Sleeper cab, new wet kit, aluminum wheels, the check engine light is on, tires are 25-50% the odometer shows 130'514 miles but it is not correct. has front cover oil leak.
high bid $7,000