#718 - 1997 Ford AT9513 Aeromax 113 Truck, VIN # 1FTYY96B9VVA27362

Year: 1997
Make: Ford
Model: AT9513 Aeromax 113
Vehicle Type: Truck
Mileage: 999'022
Body Type:
Trim Level:
Drive Line:
Engine Type: L6, 11.1L (677 CID); Turbo
Fuel Type: Diesel
Horsepower: 300-365HP
Transmission: Manual 
VIN #: 1FTYY96B9VVA27362

Features and Notes: It has a Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine with a 10-Speed manual transmission, 52'000 GVWR, 7/8 rear duals are new re cap, runs and drives, will need new batteries. 
high bid $6,250
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