SN: 26745.
Lateral infeed section:
(6) rubber belts.
66” long x 12’ wide.
Pop-up lumber stops.
Drive motor for rubber belts: 2HP, 230/460v, 3PH.
Lateral infeed s/n 46701.
Valu-Rip lateral chain infeed section w/ squaring fence:
(7) chains 5’ long.
Drive motor for chains: 1HP, 230/460v, 3PH.
(8) smooth steel driven rollers: approx. 25” long each.
(2) knurled steel driven rollers: approx. 25” long each.
Driven rollers motor: 1HP, 460b, 4PH.
Approx. 152” wide.
Approx. 15’ long squaring fence.
Overarm controller with fence toggle switch.
Valu-Rip s/n IR0050.
Raimann gang rip saw:
(5) sliding adjustable lasers.
18½” idle infeed roller.
Bottom mounted anti-kickback fingers.
Top mounted anti-kickback fingers.
(2) idler top mounted infeed rollers.
Max. saw blade capacity: 11.8”.
Min. saw blade diameter: 9.8”.
(2) idler top mounted outfeed rollers.
Pinch roller outfeed.
18½” wide steel chain.
Approx. 50 HP saw motor.
Movable blades.
Free-standing Siemens Simatic OP27 pedestal controller.
Toggle switches for blade movement.
Free-standing electrical cabinet.
Looking to take your business to the next level. Check out this top of the line Raimann KR US (18”) BV/KR 450/300 BV Gang Rip Saw w/ Raimann Weinig Valu-Rip Lateral Infeed System. This is a very well maintained gang rip saw as you will see in the photos. Check out the video of the machine running right before it was removed from production and professionally disassembled. It has 3 movable blades and is capable of producing up to 25,000 Board Feet in an 8 hour shift. Great running saw. These complete systems do not come along often. If you have the work it will pay for itself in a couple of months. Overall approx. shipping dimensions of Gang Rip Saw: 117” x 91” x 88” tall; Weight: approx. 12,000 lbs. Overall approx. shipping dimensions of lateral infeed section: 207” x 79” x 58” tall; Weight: approx. 2,000 lbs. Overall approx. shipping dimensions of Valu-Rip infeed section: 196" x 80" x 85" tall, Weight: approx. 4,000 lbs., Overall approx. shipping dimensions of controller: 42” x 48” x 59” tall, Weight: approx. 335 lbs. 8.75% sales tax. Contact Myron Nissley with any questions 574-536-2481. Location: 14214 Route 219, Springville, NY 14141